Studio Build Phase 2

Friday was the official last day of construction. Yay! We jumped in immediately and worked all weekend, with a short break to visit friends in El Segundo. Just before we left the house, to see them, I decided that we need to cover the entire house in rainbow glitter.

Figuratively, not literally (…but also maybe literally). I know glitter is bad for the environment. It’s sad that the fun and sparkle of glitter makes me waffle in my support of our planet’s oceans and waterways. I’m kidding of course, but …it’s just so damn sparkly!

The drywall guys spent last week to complete the mud work and sanding. There was a broken piece of drywall in the space above and they replaced that as well. Part of the extra time was that the walls are 100 inches tall rather than the usual 96 inches, so they had to get creative to fill in the extra space..


The contractor, Stefan, completed the electric as well. Fun light fixtures!


And as soon as they finished, we determined where we needed to begin getting these three spaces functional.

In the studio itself, we got half the walls primed, and realized whatever future plans we had, we absolutely needed to prioritize the floor before we continued.

The floor is concrete, and having been a garage floor for the last 7 years, there was the requisite quantity of gunk in need of removing, including paint and old linoleum tiles held with glue that was somehow still tacky after all these years (in more ways than one).

Once clean, we are going to seal it. Then we can finish the walls and ceiling (which will be a metallic white.


For the laundry room, Gregory had a fun idea for some stripes that would go at an angle up the wall and back the opposite direction on the ceiling, which is short because of the attic space above.


It was a two-person job, taping the borders for the strips.

There will be multicolor stripes and a metallic pearl white in between.


This is going to be fun.


Studio Build Phase 2 (cont)


Studio Build Days ... 8 thru 11?