Studio Build Phase 2 (cont)

I’m no longer sure how to title these, but regardless, work continues. It is now the second week of July and we have two weeks before our new renter moves in. It’s exciting but that means I need to be out of that middle bedroom in enough time to clean and prepare it for them. And that means work has to progress quickly enough here for that to be possible.

We have 3 thing we are focused on this weekend:

  1. Floor

    Initially we planned to paint the floor a solid color of special paint floor concrete sealer paint stuff, but a thorough cleaning revealed an interesting square grid pattern, likely from old tiles that were there long before the linoleum. So we have decided to cover it with a clear sealer instead. I have area rugs which will eventually partially cover the cement, as part of the acoustic treatment.

2. Ceiling

After a couple of very intense days of priming the walls of the studio and ceiling (which required two coats), and the garage area wall, we were ready. It was a bit grueling and repetitive, but so happy this step is done.

The color we chose for the ceiling is a metallic pearl white, which, is apparently supposed to be sprayed on for an even coat. Not having access to a sprayer, I ended up hand painting the ceiling, since seeing the brush strokes was inevitable, I did my best to make even straight brush strokes so the light pattern would at least look intentional (right). We tried a paint roller (left), but the only way to describe that is “galumphy.”


3. Walls

We have some spectacular fur to cover the walls, window boards and bass traps. By the end of the weekend, we managed to get one wall completed. When we ordered the fur, part of our order was back-ordered and we had to make a decision to use fur we have or to order something specific from this same company.


It was amazing how putting up just the first panel affected the acoustics of the room. I’m really excited to continue work this week!


Studio Build - Moving In


Studio Build Phase 2